City: Aberdeen
Climate Zones: East River
Monitoring Site
Monitored Parameters:
HourAQIClassResponsible PollutantActivity CautionRisk Groups
03:003GoodPM10_CONTINNonePeople with respiratory disease are the group most at risk.
03:0032GoodPM25_CONTINNonePeople with respiratory or heart disease, the elderly and children are the groups most at risk.
02:003GoodPM10_CONTINNonePeople with respiratory disease are the group most at risk.
02:0032GoodPM25_CONTINNonePeople with respiratory or heart disease, the elderly and children are the groups most at risk.
01:003GoodPM10_CONTINNonePeople with respiratory disease are the group most at risk.
01:0025GoodPM25_CONTINNonePeople with respiratory or heart disease, the elderly and children are the groups most at risk.
00:004GoodPM10_CONTINNonePeople with respiratory disease are the group most at risk.
00:0024GoodPM25_CONTINNonePeople with respiratory or heart disease, the elderly and children are the groups most at risk.